Facial Emotional Therapist - Isabel Ortiz

Facial Emotional Therapy

We pay attention to our minds, but it is also important to pay special attention to our bodies

We encounter many times that our bodies are tired.  We know that something is not working and still feeling without energy. We pay attention to our minds, but  it is also important to pay special attention to our bodies.  We live in our bodies and our mind are together for life. Sometimes get awfully worked up about our bodies and at the same time have no contact with it at all. Your body  can take a lot and take it well, but sometimes it cannot do all the things you want it to.

Welcome to FET Therapy, Facial Emotional Therapy  is a gentle non-invasive treatment, designed specifically to work in sync with the nervous system, giving the opportunity to experience peace and rejuvenation through sensitive touch and soothing strokes over the meridian system.

​Working directly on the face, head, and neck accesses many of the significant energy points relating to the various systems of the body, clearing stress levels and emotional blockages allowing relaxation and clarity of mind to take place. The entire body experiences a sense of deep and profound state of bliss, making you feel reenergized and leaving you looking refreshed and younger.

​This treatment merges techniques drawn from physiotherapy, kinesiology, facial harmony, brain gym, reiki, remedial massage, and reflexology.

Hello my name is Isabel

I can help you to reduce stress levels and emotional blockages, by working with the body meridians, focusing in your face, head and neck.

Your body reacts like a barometer to all kinds of experiences, like nice, unpleasant, and ordinary experiences. By regularly  shining the spotlight of your attention on what is going on in your body right now, you come into contact with your body. This contact helps you feel where your limits lie. Your body shows where they are. When enough is enough.  Getting to know your body is not an easy task but it is not impossible. You have a visible, physical body and all of the things your physical body shows is based on the health and function of your meridians. The meridians are the life network, the energy network and the information network.

This energy body is made up of invisible meridians. They are energy channels ‘transporting’ life energy (Chi/Qi) throughout the body. If there are blockages, it causes an interruption in the flow of energy.

With FET we work with the following meridians.

If you want to now more about me, my story

As a  RTT Rapid Transformational Therapist, Mindfulness teacher and Facial Emotional Therapist I realized that many of my clients experienced  not only emotional illnesses but also  physical illnesses. Some of them they were not aware of their bodies at all and they didn’t realize how their emotional and physical state relate to each other.

This is what is called Parity of Esteem . The need to value mental health equally with physical health. These two are often linked. People with poor physical health are at higher risk of experiencing poor mental health, and people with poor mental health are more likely to have poor physical health. All are related.

During the therapies and mindfulness practices  I noticed  that if I touched certain points in their bodies when they were deeply breathing, I  was able to activate, stimulate and relax the client into a deeper state. When the therapy or practice was finished, they felt a release of heaviness in their body and mind.  

After these experiences I realized that there was something more I was giving to the client, the gentle touch and activation of certain points in their bodies helped them to release their tension, stress, and anxiety.

When our Qi is in harmony, we tend towards wellness, health, and longevity .

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Frequently Asked Questions

Facial emotional therapy  brings wellness, total realignment , relaxation , clearing energy, clear mind, feeling refreshed and you feel  totally grounded. Rebalance your entire system.

FET works directly on the face, head, and neck accesses many of the significant energy points relating to the various systems of the body, clearing stress levels and emotional blockages allowing relaxation and clarity of mind to take place. The entire body experiences a sense of deep and profound state of bliss, making you feel reenergized and leaving you looking refreshed and younger.

If the energy flowing through a meridian is imbalanced in any way, the system it fuels is jeopardized, and disease may result. Qi refers to the natural and essential energy of livelihood. This energy flows through multiple pathways of the body called meridians. Each meridian regulates a particular organ, but all are interconnected.

The Facial emotional massage specializes  in your face, head, and neck. Working  with the following meridians.

Governing Vessel.

It supports many of your body and energy functions, specifically the functions of strengthening the body, clearing the mind, and stabilizing the spirit.

Conception Vessel / Central Meridian.

The Conception Vessel gives us clear messages it is the “yes” or “no” that we feel in our body as we make a decision for ourselves. It is the source of our righteous energy that guides us in life in right and wrong. Balancing the flow of the Central Meridian releases anxiety and emotional stress.

Bladder Meridian.

The Bladder Meridians (one on each side of the body) run down alongside the spine and onwards down the back of the legs.

Function: Removes liquid waste from the body.

Symptoms of imbalance: Stiffness in the neck and shoulders, headaches, back pains, and all urinary diseases. Emotionally, an imbalance of bladder energy causes feelings of anger and an inability to express emotions.

Gall Bladder Meridian.

Function: The gallbladder is an organ that’s paired with the liver. Stores and expells bile produced by the liver.

Symptoms of imbalance: Bloating, liver pains, and yellow discoloration of tongue, skin, or urine.

Small Intestine Meridian.

Function: Distributes nutrients throughout the body.

Symptoms of imbalance: Poor circulation, weak legs, feeling cold, swollen lymph glands, sore/stiff shoulders, acne, nerve pain, poor digestion, and stomach distention.

Triple Warmer Meridian.

Controls the body as a whole. Rather than being responsible for a particular organ system, it controls metabolism and regulates heat, moisture, and body temperature.

Symptoms of imbalance Its main function is the separation of food and drink waste with the reabsorption of useful fluids and the elimination of the rest to the Bladder. The triple warmer impacts the immune system and our ability to manage stress.

Large Intestine Meridian.

Function: Extracts and processes water from waste material before expelling it. Symptoms of imbalance: Abdominal pains, and on an emotional level, difficulty holding on or letting go.

Stomach Meridian.

Function: Digests and extracts energy from food and distributes that energy to the spleen and intestines. Symptoms of imbalance: Feelings of worry and nervousness, and a lack of acceptance.

You can expect total relaxation and wellness.

You can have 1 treatment, one session, up to  5  and  7 sessions. The more sessions you have the more benefits you will get.

The techniques are physiotherapy, kinesiology, facial harmony, brain gym, reiki, remedial massage, and reflexology. These techniques target the tissue underneath the skin to stimulate the release of tension to cause a state of relaxation throughout the face and body.

“Once we have acknowledged the body imbalance, we would do well to understand the emotional aspect”

– Isabel

Benefits of working with Isabel

Ayurvedic Health Advisor AHA, RTT Practitioner, Certified AMT Mindfulness Teacher, Hata Yoga Teacher, FET Therapist, MBA

I can provide you all the needed support during your process, offering you the following.

Treatment of one session

  • One hour of facial emotional therapy.

Treatment of 5 sessions

  • One hour of facial emotional therapy.
  • Each session is held once a week.

Treatment of 7 sessions

  • One hour of facial emotional therapy.
  • Each session is held once a week.

If you want to know more about...

Rapid Transformational
Facial Emotional
Mindfulness for
parents and kids
Mindfulness Based
Art Therapy
Facial Yoga and

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