Ayurvedic Health Advisor AHA

Enhance your vitality, harmonize your mind, and nourish your body with Ayurveda.
Welcome to a Healthy Vibrant Life with Ayurveda .

Ayurveda is an Indian holistic medicine dated back to 5000 years ago. The main purpose of Ayurveda is to work with your body, mind, and spirit as a whole, treating you individually based on your own constitution and finding out your imbalance in order to restore it .

Ayurveda does not focus on disease or pathology, or to treat or suppress symptoms, but to restore balance by eliminating the root and cause of imbalance. Once it is restored, you will recover, and you will build a powerful foundation to prevent any future imbalance, feeling rejuvenated, stronger and with a high sense of awareness of your own physical, mental, and spiritual state.

We pretend to live the best we can, but still, we keep habits or beliefs that do not allow us to express our full potential of who we are, causing distress, frustration and triggering some ailments that we think are normal, but they are not. We disconnect from our true self, we give space to our mind to control us, or the other way around to our bodies to take control of us. We jump into fast solutions; in order to take away the symptoms but in reality, we are suppressing them, instead of healing them from the root and causing further imbalance.

Let’s treat ourselves holistically, starting with our food, lifestyle, energy management, sleep and our splendid mind, not only at a conscious level but into a subconscious level. Learn to live your most vibrant, healthiest potential with the core wisdoms of Ayurveda.

Hello my name is Isabel

I am an Ayurvedic Health Advisor AHA, Mindfulness teacher from AMT, RTT Practitioner, Hatha Yoga Teacher, and FET Therapist I will guide you to attain and adhere to dietary and lifestyle practices that will help you to achieve and sustain health and vitality by restoring your natural state of balance and harmony.

In Ayurveda what we eat and how we eat is the foundation for a healthy development of our mind and body. Anything we take into or on our body is transformed into one of two things: consciousness or toxins. The body, and our existence in it, is based on energy and the main form of this energy is in the fire element, located in our stomach called Agni in Sanskrit . The way we get that energy is through the food we consume every day.

For 20 years, I had symptoms of constipation and after giving birth to my three beautiful children my symptoms worsened. I took laxatives to cope with my situation, but it ended up becoming IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Having an active life as a mother, wife, and work, I was dealing with a lot of tension and stress until one day I collapsed and ended up in the hospital. From that moment on, my life began to change. I made a commitment to myself to take care of myself so that I could take care of my loved ones.

Ayurveda places a lot of emphasis on who we are, it’s what we eat and drink. And the way we digest food, we digest life. Since I started Ayurveda, the hormonal symptoms have decreased, digestion has improved noticeably and I feel more energy and freedom, my body is lighter, and my mind is more present at a conscious and subconscious level.

Absolutely, grateful to have crossed paths with Ayurveda.

The Four Pillars of Health.

As an Ayurveda Health Advisor, you will be guided through the four pillars of health based on your individual needs. By identifying Prakruti your constitution, the one that determines everything from your bone structure to your predisposition toward certain health challenges. The physiological and psychological tendencies once you were conceived in your mother’s womb.

Then I will observe your Vikruti, your state of imbalance. When vikruti is close to prakruti, you’ll experience little to no symptoms. But when vikruti is away from your original state, even a little bit, symptoms, illness and disease are present.

From the perspective of Ayurveda, everything on the planet (including us) is made up of different combinations of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ethers. The elements, in turn, form the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha is composed of two elements and are responsible for various functions in the body and mind. We all have three doshas and we cannot exist without a certain amount of each dosha. Kapha provides each of us with tissues, pitta provides metabolic action and vata allows us to move and express ourselves.

Let’s work together making the necessary changes.

Explore and integrate a balance living.

― Isabel―

Immerse yourself in living the benefits of Ayurveda to the fullest.

  • Approach day-to-day living including how to care for your digestion. Optimize digestion through what and how you eat and drink, to reduce distracting digestive issues and improve the quality of your energy, hair, skin, teeth, mind, and emotional state – because everything depends upon healthy digestion.
  • Optimize your five senses (the gateways to experiencing life around you).
  • Maximize your schedule and patterns.
  • Flourish and reach your fullest potential in all areas of life – health, relationships, vocation, practices, and passions.
  • Enhance your sleep and sleep patterns to restore the health of your body, mind, organs, and body systems.
  • Embrace your energetic nature and management. (including your powerful sexual energy). Acquire tools to manage your energy throughout your day so you are less affected by others energy or by other external situations that you can’t control. Like feeling ‘drained’ less often, and are empowered to own your space and live your truth in your relationships and day to day choices.
  • Create space for your symptoms to reduce.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”

― B.K.S. Iyengar―

Member Of

Yoga Alliance
RYT200 Yoga Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions

Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science of life.” In Ayurveda, there’s an underlying belief that everything in life is connected.

Because of this, general health and wellness rely on achieving balance and harmony.

When a person is imbalanced or stressed, they’re likely to develop disease.

Ayurveda focuses on implementing lifestyle interventions and natural treatments, therapies and remedies to provide balance among your physical body, mind, spirit and the world around you.

1. Reduce Stress

With a fast-paced lifestyle that leaves no scope for rejuvenation or peace, Ayurveda guarantees a decrease in stress and anxiety. Regular routine of yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, massages, and herbal treatments allow the body to calm down, detoxify, and rejuvenate.

2. Cleanse the body

A cleansed body, in turn, aids in improved overall health. Suitable home remedies that are vastly used in Ayurvedic herbal medicines are cumin, cardamom, fennel, and ginger which cure indigestion in the body and prevent bloating.

3. Weight Loss and Maintenance

A healthy diet and modification in lifestyle habits through Ayurvedic treatments help shed excess body fat. In Ayurveda, weight is not a major concern, but eating habits are. It can achieve a toned body by allowing the body to detox through correct dietary restrictions.

4. It Provides a Full Circle Philosophy

Ayurveda reminds you that you’re much deeper than your body. There is an essence to you and an energy that can light up the world. Ayurveda will continue to remind you that you are more than just muscle and bones, but also a spirit which embodies the elements. While the health benefits will positively impact your physical self, they also bring together your mind, body, and soul and keep balance. You will begin to see and feel that healing begins from within, starting with the food you put in your body.

  • Ayurveda is a lifestyle choice, and when adopted entirely, it brings a wave of general well-being to your daily life.
  • Ayurveda works perfectly with alternative medicine, which is practical for everyday use.
  • Ayurveda helps reclaim health with balanced dietary guidelines, effective sleep patterns, home remedies, daily and seasonal routines, yoga, and exercise patterns.
  • Heightens concentration levels through yoga, meditation, herbal intake, and adequate sleep helps amend mental and goal-based settings in your daily life.
  • Ayurvedic treatments improve digestion and increase appetite and immunity.
  • The basic principles of Ayurveda constitute the following disciplines – don’t skip breakfast, eat a light dinner, avoid sleeping and waking up late, drink water, eat organic produce, avoid smoking and drinking, and maintain an active lifestyle.

An Ayurveda consultation is a personalized session, who assess your individual constitution, health concerns, and lifestyle to provide tailored wellness guidance rooted in ancient Ayurvedic principles.

Yes absolutely. It is conducted via secure video call, ensuring convenience and privacy while also enabling effective communication.

Yes, before your scheduled consultation, you will receive a comprehensive Ayurvedic Dosha form and Wellness Questionnaire via email. This form is designed to help Ayurveda Health Advisor to prepare adequately for your consultation and ensure a tailored and effective session.

Yes, as an Ayurveda Health Advisor I will analyze your unique constitution and health conditions to create personalized recommendations. These can include dietary advice, lifestyle adjustments, and more, customized to your specific needs.

Ayurveda recognizes the connection between mind and body. The consultation examines emotional well-being, stress management, and mindfulness practices to promote mental harmony along with physical health.

Absolutely, Ayurveda can be adapted to different lifestyles. The consultation provides practical recommendations that can be easily incorporated into your routine, improving your overall well-being.

The frequency of follow-up consultations depends on your individual needs and progress. It’s typically recommended to have follow-up sessions every few weeks to monitor your progress, make adjustments, and ensure optimal results.

Yes, absolutely . Ayurveda focuses on overall health through personalized treatments and lifestyle adjustments, while yoga emphasizes physical postures, breathing, and meditation for holistic well-being. Both practices complement each other and contribute to a balanced and healthy life.

While Ayurveda focuses primarily on balancing the physical and mental aspects of an individual, Yoga provides a means to achieve that balance.

Benefits of working with Isabel

Ayurvedic Health Advisor AHA, RTT Practitioner, Certified AMT Mindfulness Teacher, Hata Yoga Teacher, FET Therapist, MBA

I can provide you all the needed support during your process, offering you the following.

The 1:1 Online Isa Ayurveda consultation.

  • General Information about Ayurveda and how it works.
  • Personal Assessment, we dive into your unique Ayurveda constitution and health issues.
  • Ayurvedic food wellness plan. I will provide personalized recommendations that integrate ancient wisdom with modern needs, optimizing your path to holistic health.
  • You receive guidance on effective lifestyle modifications for optimal balance.
  • Advice on harnessing nature’s remedies, enhancing your journey to complete health.
  • Recommendations.

The 1:1 Online Isa Ayurveda consultation integrated with Mindfulness.

  • General Information about Ayurveda and Mindfulness how these two works together.
  • Personal Assessment, we dive into your unique Ayurveda constitution and health issues.
  • Ayurvedic food wellness plan. I will provide personalized recommendations that integrate ancient wisdom with modern needs, optimizing your path to holistic health. Combined with mindfulness eating habits.
  • You receive guidance on effective lifestyle modifications for optimal balance combined with mindfulness practices.
  • Advice on harnessing nature’s remedies, enhancing your journey to complete health.
  • Recommendations from Ayurveda and Mindfulness.

The 1:1 Online Isa Ayurveda consultation integrated with Rapid Transformational Therapy.

  • General Information about Ayurveda and Rapid Transformational Therapy. how these two works together.
  • Personal Assessment, we dive into your unique Ayurveda constitution and health issues.
  • A full RTT session of 2 hours to identify the root and cause of your situation. Applying the most effective principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
  • 1 full custom audio recording to install and rewire new beliefs. Based with your Ayurveda assessment and RTT discovery.
  • Ayurvedic food wellness plan. I will provide personalized recommendations that integrate ancient wisdom with modern needs, optimizing your path to holistic health.
  • You receive guidance on effective lifestyle modifications for optimal balance.
  • Advice on harnessing nature’s remedies, enhancing your journey to complete health.
  • Recommendations from Ayurveda and RTT.
  • Three follow ups video calls of 30 minutes for one month.

The 1:1 Online Isa Ayurveda consultation integrated with Hatha Yoga.

  • General Information about Ayurveda and Yoga how these two works together.
  • Personal Assessment, we dive into your unique Ayurveda constitution and health issues.
  • Ayurvedic food wellness plan. I will provide personalized recommendations that integrate ancient wisdom with modern needs, optimizing your path to holistic health. Combined with Hatha Yoga practice.
  • You receive guidance on effective lifestyle modifications for optimal balance combined with Hatha Yoga practice.
  • Advice on harnessing nature’s remedies, enhancing your journey to complete health.
  • Recommendations from Ayurveda and Hatha Yoga.

The 1:1 Online Isa Ayurveda consultation integrated with: Rapid Transformational Therapy, Mindfulness, Hatha Yoga

  • General Information about Ayurveda, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Mindfulness and Hatha Yoga how they work together.
  • Personal Assessment, we dive into your unique Ayurveda constitution and health issues.
  • A full RTT session of 2 hours to identify the root and cause of your situation. Working with your subconscious mind.
  • 1 full custom audio recording to install and rewire new beliefs. Based with your Ayurveda assessment.
  • Ayurvedic food wellness plan. I will provide personalized recommendations that integrate ancient wisdom with modern needs, optimizing your path to holistic health. Integrating Mindful eating and Hatha Yoga practice for a healthy digestion.
  • You receive guidance on effective lifestyle modifications for optimal balance. Including Mindfulness, RTT and Hatha Yoga.
  • Advice on harnessing nature’s remedies, enhancing your journey to complete health.
  • Recommendations from Ayurveda, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Mindfulness and Hatha Yoga.
  • Four follow ups video calls of 30 minutes for one month.


The 1:1 Online Isa Ayurveda Cooking.

  • General Information about Ayurveda.
  • Learn about Agni the fire element. Agni the essence, is a transformative force, that allows us to digest food, and digest life.
  • Learn the six tastes Shad Rasa.
  • Learn how to cook simple and nourishing meals for balance and vitality.
  • Use Ayurvedic herbs and spices to bring healing, balance & great taste.
  • Learn the balance bowl 60/40.
  • How to use your energy for cooking.
  • Informative handout .

If you want to know more about...

Rapid Transformational
Facial Emotional
Mindfulness for
parents and kids
Mindfulness Based
Art Therapy
Facial Yoga and

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Welcome to your beautiful journey with Ayurveda.

Please fill out the followings questionnaires.