Mindfulness Based Art Therapy - Isabel Ortiz

Mindfulness Based Art Therapy

Art speaks where words are unable to explain.

Art therapy has proven helpful for many who find it hard to express their thoughts and emotions through words. Art is a means of visual communication, which allows for further discussion and reflection. Is also a form of expression, and through the process of expression, t can be a cathartic release for many. To engage in art therapy, no prior art skills are required as it is not focused on the aesthetics and technicalities of art but takes into consideration the process of creation, the therapeutic relationship and the individual’s journey.


Welcome to MBAT Mindfulness based Art Therapy, art therapy is understood to be an emotional encounter, to be able to hold difficult emotions and experience using form, colour, symbols and metaphors. Art allows the individual to view their circumstances from a different perspective as it invites the individual to relate symbolically, metaphorically, and visually. In essence, mindfulness-based art therapy connects the imagination to the body and allows the expression of feelings that you can’t get express in words. Being present and conscious of your own experience.

Hello my name is Isabel

I can help you to you engage in the creative process of making art as a way to explore yourself in a mindful manner.

Through a creative process using Mindfulness and art we can communicate deeply with our emotions, thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. As we know breathing is the basic tool to connect with our inner self. As soon as you observe the movement of your breathing , you become more aware of your inner world, and you take the first steps in concentration and observation. Then this first step will allow you to dive deeper into your own creative process and enhanced your ability in terms of your self-awareness and developing that capacity to reflect on your experience every day .

My Story

As a  RTT Rapid Transformational Therapist, Mindfulness teacher and Facial Emotional Therapist I realized that many of my clients experienced  not only emotional illnesses but also  physical illnesses. Some of them they were not aware of their bodies at all and they didn’t realize how their emotional and physical state relate to each other.

This is what is called Parity of Esteem . The need to value mental health equally with physical health. These two are often linked. People with poor physical health are at higher risk of experiencing poor mental health, and people with poor mental health are more likely to have poor physical health. All are related.

With Mindfulness I noticed that many of the clients when they had to do a creative task were able to connect deeply with themselves, this type of task you do it at the middle or end of some of the lessons. After  doing breathing meditations and body scan meditations they were able to be  in a state of ease and calmness that allowed them to create their own piece of art, feeling  present and conscious without any judgment of themselves and seeing with a whole new way their own deep emotions from a different perspective. Creating a whole new way of communication with themselves.

Creativity is intelligence having fun.

– Albert Einstein –

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Frequently Asked Questions

This treatment combines the philosophy of mindfulness within an art therapy setting. In other words, you engage in the creative process of making art as a way to explore yourself (in a mindful manner).Bringing you many benefits by activating different parts of the brain while engaging in creative expression. For example, drawing a picture from memory requires logical thinking and abstraction. Helping  you to lower distress levels and improve quality of life.

Yes another name for mindfulness-based art therapy is “focusing-oriented art therapy,” reflecting the emphasis on shifting focus as part of the experience.

  • Improved psychological stability.
  • Improved quality of life (QoL).
  • Changes in brain patterns reflecting a calm, focused state of attention.
  • Thicker and more developed gray matter areas in the brain.
  • Development of neural pathways in your brain that enable you to create and focus on art making.
  • Reduced cognitive avoidance in which you become less aware of what you are thinking and doing when experiencing psychological distress.
  • Improved intuition and trust in your own body (how you are feeling and what it means).
  • Increased emotional awareness.
  • Increased sense of control and ability to share inner thoughts.
  • Improved awareness of underlying issues that have been hidden.
  • Ability to communicate abstract feelings.
  • Increased self-esteem and self-acceptance.
  • Improved attention span.
You can choose from 1 class to a program from 8 to 10 and  16 weeks.

Yes it is for kids, adolescents and adults.

Getting to know yourself is the best thing you can do in life. Authenticity is the choice to let our true selves be seen. Believe it,  is magnetic and powerful, gives you total freedom.

– Isabel

Benefits of working with Isabel

Ayurvedic Health Advisor AHA, RTT Practitioner, Certified AMT Mindfulness Teacher, Hata Yoga Teacher, FET Therapist, MBA

I can provide you all the needed support during your process, offering you the following.

One class lesson

  • One session of Mindfulness based art therapy .
  • Time 1 hour and 30 minutes .

Program of 8 sessions

  • 8 Sessions of MBAT taking  place once a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Program of 10 sessions

  • 10 Sessions of MBAT taking  place once a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Program of 16 sessions

  • 16 Sessions of MBAT taking  place once a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

If you want to know more about...

Rapid Transformational
Facial Emotional
Mindfulness for
parents and kids
Mindfulness Based
Art Therapy
Facial Yoga and

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