Mindfulness - Isabel Ortiz

Certified AMT Mindfulness Teacher

As a family train your attention, concentration, patience, kindness and tolerance

Sometimes as families we don’t understand our kids and partner and we struggle so much in every day  trying to cope with all the responsibilities that we encounter, but deep inside of us  we desire to have a harmonious family life, but still we experience situations of frustration, sadness and madness because we cant control our emotions and we react in an automatic response, not thinking just reacting,  we don’t take a space for ourselves to calm down and causing a negative reaction in our loved ones. Do you ever experience these situations?

Welcome to Mindfulness for kids and parents. Mindfulness training is about being present, to live this moment, now, with conscious, non-judgmental awareness. Being Conscious of our own feelings, thoughts, bodily symptoms, and our automatic responses to them. Is about being open to all these sensations with a friendly, conscious and open attitude with ourselves and others. To be present without ignoring, pushing away, or being dragged along with strong emotions or anxious thoughts. By being consciously present, your behavior will change step by step. With a friendly attitude towards yourself and others.

Hello my name is Isabel

I can help you and your family to build a strong bond of understanding, connection, love and support in everyday life. Starting first with ourselves and then spreading this learning to our loved ones.

Sometimes we just want to communicate properly with our kids and we desire to have the same response back. But we forget as a parent, that it’s important to lead by example. So it’s to be expected that many parents rarely ask themselves, “Am I setting a good example for my children?”.  Working with me I can help you to reconnect with yourself and with others by understanding what it is to be a Mindful parent and apply this into your daily life and also helping your kids during this process. Practicing Mindfulness is a mental and physical technique you can use for everyday life, where it helps you  and your kids to acknowledge, accept and cope with painful or intrusive thoughts, feelings and sensations. Through Mindfulness the rewards are priceless, you will always find mindfulness as a fantastic tool for the rest of your life.

If you want to know more about me, here it is my story

Six years ago my mother passed the way and at that time I had 3 small and active kids and one of them my son the one in the middle was behaving in a very special way, he was more sensitive than my other 2 daughters, he reacted in a more emotional way when we experienced different situations or activities that we usually do as a family, he took it more seriously, for example if he was not allowed to do something or when he felt or lost any of his toys, for him had a big impact, and took him to a deep level of distress.

I was feeling confused, if I was doing a good job as a mother or not and I started investigating how can I calm him down and understand him better from my side as a mother, so he can overcome those emotional situations and put him back in track in a more relax way.

In that journey I discovered mindfulness and I decided to become a Mindfulness teacher for kids, teenagers, and parents.

But there were some conditions I had to take a MBSR (Mindfulness Based stress Reduction) course and a Silence retreat to be part of the Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT).

I didn’t understand why I had to do that if I’m ok nothing is wrong with me, but I was clear about my purpose why I was there and I said to myself I had to do it for my family and for my beautiful son.

I had to discover the technique of how I can made him feel better and also me as a mother know how to do it and help him to overcome those situations.

Those 2 requirements MBSR and Silence Retreat, changed my life entirely, it took me to a higher level of transformation inside my family life where I discovered that it was not only about my kid it was about my couple and I how we interact and behave in those situations and took me also to understand that the way we communicated with him was causing him distress.

During my training I met beautiful families that helped to do my final practice and I discovered that dealing with kids and mindfulness it was essential that the parents were fully involved in the process in a gentle and understanding manner.

I realized during this process that I want it to understand more why the kids they were behaving in certain way and still the parents they were struggling, I want it to go behind the scenes, and look in a deeply level their behaviors, beliefs, and habits that they had and see the real essence of how important it is to know the cause and root of those behaviors.

So, in that journey I discovered RTT Rapid Transformational Therapy where I felt fascinated how this hybrid therapy was able to transform those behaviors, beliefs, habits and install new ones and let us become free by understanding our why, why we do what we do and behave the way we do, helping us to dive into a higher level of understanding of ourselves and understanding of how we interact with others.

I just can say that everything mirrors in our lives and in our children, we are never late for taking action and rescue what we already built in order to continue in a daily transformation with ourselves and with the future generations.

“Connecting with your inner self can bring you so much joy, happiness and understanding of your own purpose in life, follow and trust yourself in every step you take and always look at you with  a compassionate  and kindness attitude.”

– Isabel– 

Frequently Asked Questions

The Eline Snel Method trains the attention. This is also known as mindfulness. The eight-to-ten week course takes one hour a week on average and teaches children to stabilise, focus and shift their attention with a friendly, alert attitude. They are familiarised with their inner world without having to pass judgement on what they (or others) think, feel or experience. They learn how to deal with tranquillity and turmoil when it arises. How to acknowledge ‘challenging thoughts and feelings’ without suppressing them or being absorbed by them, and simply give them friendly attention instead. And above all: they are taught to be kind to themselves and others.

Eline Snel was born in 1954. As the founder of the Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT) in Holland, she developed its courses and training manuals, provides training in Mindfulness and compassion, and is the author of the international bestseller Sitting Still Like a Frog and other books.

For more information About Eline Snel – Mindfulness | Eline Snel

Because as a family we are a team, and as team we have to support, love and care about the others, working as a group we will reach the goal of having a harmonious family life with no resistance. Everything flows better, we communicate and understand better. Mindful parenting is about breaking this cycle by becoming aware of these stressful situations and unpleasant emotions so you can pause before reacting. Essentially, mindful parenting is about presence and pause. It’s about shifting away from reactivity so you can respond thoughtfully in each moment, and it’s about helping your kids do the same.

In adults, mindfulness training has been shown to positively influence important regions of the brain having to do with executive functioning, including impulse control and decision making, perspective taking, learning and memory, emotion regulation, and a sense of connectedness with one’s self and others. Under intense and unremitting stress, all these brain functions rapidly degrade. This can impair wise decision making, self-confidence and the capacity to beneficially deal with strong emotions.

There is increasing evidence that this is even more relevant for children, whose nervous system and brains are still in the proves of developing and are even more sensitive to the negative effects of stress. Everyone wants each child to experience that he or she is perfectly all right. It is true that there is still a lot to learn and there is sometimes something to “polish up”, but above all that the child will be able to develop a deep sense of inner well-being and come home to himself. Regardless of the circumstances. Mindfulness appears to provide valuable and lifelong support in this process.

For parents the course is 8 weeks, and we meet once a week, via online in total 8 sessions of 60 to 90 minutes. For adolescents the course is 10 weeks, and we meet once a week, via online or in person in total 10 sessions of 60 to 90 minutes. For kids the course is 8 weeks, and we meet once a week, via online or in person in total 8 sessions of 45 to 60 minutes.

Expect to learn how to understand yourself better in a kind and compassionate way and also to embark with your kids in a infinitive and long lasting journey full of love, understanding and happiness.

  • Helps foster a healthy parent-child relationship with fewer conflicts and stronger connections.
  • Increases children’s and teens’ adjustment and reduces problematic behaviors, both internalizing (turning problems inward as seen anxiety, depression, withdrawal, and isolation) and externalizing (turning problems outward, such as acting out, having tantrums, hitting, and exhibiting open defiance.
  • Improves communication skills between family members.
  • Decreases feelings of anxiety and stress for moms, dads and kids alike.
  • Keeps parents connected to their parenting goals and visions for their family by helping them be present and pause, thus reducing emotional reactivity.

“Inside every human beats a heart in a heart,
that’s searching for love, connection,
and acceptance of who we essentially are.”

– Eline Snel– 

Benefits of working with Isabel

Ayurvedic Health Advisor AHA, RTT Practitioner, Certified AMT Mindfulness Teacher, Hata Yoga Teacher, FET Therapist, MBA

I can provide you all the needed support during your process, offering you the following.

Mindfulness package for 1 family member

  • A deep understanding and consultation online of Mindfulness where we talk and plan all your steps to follow as your road map.
  • 8 Full sessions of 1 hour to 1.30 hour for parent and adolescent and 60 minutes for kid.
  • 1 full custom audio for compassionate parent.
  • 3 Follow ups of 15 minutes after session 3 / 6 /8 .
  • Email support for 15 days.
  • Free online introduction and understanding of Mindfulness to a family member.
  • 1 Free audio recording from meditations from Eline Snel, with your name in the audio, so when you hear it, feels specially made for you. Be aware that if you have the Book and the app of Eline Snel you don’t need this.  

Mindfulness package for 2 family members

  • A deep understanding and consultation online of Mindfulness where we talk and plan all your steps to follow as your road map.
  • 8 Full sessions of 1 hour to 1.30 hour for parent and adolescent and 60 minutes for kid.
  • 2 full custom audio for team family.
  • 3 Follow ups of 15 minutes after session 3 / 6 /8 .
  • Email support for 20 days.
  • Free online introduction and understanding of Mindfulness to two family members.
  • 1 Free audio recording from meditations from Eline Snel, with your name in the audio, so when you hear it, feels specially made for you. Be aware that if you have the Book and the app of Eline Snel you don’t need this.   

Mindfulness package for 3 family members

  • A deep understanding and consultation online of Mindfulness where we talk and plan all your steps to follow as your road map.
  • 8 Full sessions of 1 hour to 1.30 hour for parent and adolescent and 60 minutes for kid.
  • 2 full custom audio for  playful parent and loving parent.
  • 3 Follow ups of 25 minutes after sessions 3 / 6 /8.
  • Email support for 25 days.
  • Free online introduction and understanding of Mindfulness to three family members.
  • 1 Free audio recording from meditations from Eline Snel, with your name in the audio, so when you hear it, feels specially made for you. Be aware that if you have the Book and the app of Eline Snel you don’t need this.

Mindfulness package for 4 family members

  • A deep understanding and consultation online of Mindfulness where we talk and plan all your steps to follow as your road map.
  • 8 Full sessions of 1 hour to 1.30 hour for parent and adolescent and 60 minutes for kid.
  • 3 full custom audio for  playful parent/ loving parent/team family
  • 3 Follow ups of 30 minutes after session 3 / 6 /8 .
  • Free online introduction and understanding of Mindfulness to two family members
  • 1 Free audio recording from meditations from Eline Snel, with your name in the audio, so when you hear it, feels specially made for you. Be aware that if you have the Book and the app of Eline Snel you don’t need this.

Mindfulness package for 5 family members

  • A deep understanding and consultation online of Mindfulness where we talk and plan all your steps to follow as your road map.
  • 8 Full sessions of 1 hour to 1.30 hour for parent and adolescent and 60 minutes for kid.
  • 4 full custom audio for playful parent/ loving parent/team family/ Kindness  .
  • 3 Follow ups of 35 minutes after session 3 / 6 /8 .
  • Email support for 35 days.
  • Free online introduction and understanding of Mindfulness  and RTT to two family members.
  • 1 Free audio recording from meditations from Eline Snel, with your name in the audio, so when you hear it, feels specially made for you. Be aware that if you have the Book and the app of Eline Snel you don’t need this.
If you are interested for your school, please email directly to:
and I will provide you all the relevant information.

Evidence of how mindfulness helped families

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